NAHC-NHPCO Collaboration Update: CEO Search Initiated

NAHC Report 

As the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) and the National Hospice & Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) continue working to create a new, combined organization to serve, support, and advocate for the national community of serious-illness and care-at-home providers, the Steering Committee that is leading the effort has selected Russell Reynolds Associates to conduct a national search for the inaugural CEO of the new organization. The position specification can be reviewed at on the NAHC website or NHPCO website. To share recommendation and/or express direct interest please reach out to Danielle Lafhaj at Russell Reynolds: [email protected].

Town Hall Meeting: The Steering Committee, comprised of Board Members of both NHPCO and NAHC, continues its commitment to engaging with members and stakeholders throughout the process. The third in a series of Town Hall meetings is now scheduled for 4-5pm ET on Thursday, April 25. This is your opportunity to have your questions answered by the leaders spearheading this process.

Additional info: For background information, a list of Steering Committee Members, and other details about this collaborative effort, see the NAHC or NHPCO website.