In The News

CDC Issues Interim Guidelines on How Fully Vaccinated People Can Safely Visit with Others

The CDC issued its first set of recommendations on activities that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can safely resume. The new guidance includes recommendations for how and when a fully vaccinated individual can visit with other people who are fully vaccinated; how and when they can visit with other people who are not vaccinated; and how full vaccinated people should approach isolation, quarantine, and testing.

People are considered fully vaccinated for COVID-19 ≥2 weeks after they have received the second dose in a 2-dose series (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna), or ≥2 weeks after they have received a single-dose vaccine (Johnson and Johnson [J&J]/Janssen ).

This guidance represents a first step toward returning to everyday activities in our communities. CDC will update these recommendations as more people are vaccinated, rates of COVID-19 in the community change, and additional scientific evidence becomes available. People are still urged to remain vigilant against infection even after full vaccination.

Click here to read the full recommendations.


Possible U.S. Covid-19 Variant Surge on the Horizon

CNN reports, “Experts project the country is about to see another dangerous Covid-19 spike. One that will be fueled by the B.1.1.7 variant, first spotted in the UK, and will come over the next six to 14 weeks. While there are multiple variants of coronavirus circulating in the US, experts have been particularly concerned with the highly contagious B.1.1.7 UK variant's dangerous potential.”


Therapy’s Future Under Patient-Driven Groupings Model Unclear Due to COVID-19 Chaos

Home Health Care News 
By Andrew Donlan | March 7, 2021
The Patient-Driven Groupings Model (PDGM) was described as home health care’s “boogeyman” before it was implemented.
One of the chief concerns, especially for therapists, was that therapy utilization would significantly decrease in 2020 — and beyond — because of what PDGM incentivizes. 
But preliminary data suggests that therapy did not decrease overall in 2020. It’s not that those who predicted a dramatic decrease in therapy were wrong, however. Instead, the answer is more nuanced. For a variety of reasons, therapy increased in some places — and decreased in others.
From January to October, in fact, the percentage of therapy visits compared to overall visits actually increased, from 45.9% to 46.8%, according to data from BlackTree Healthcare Consulting. Therapy visits per episode also increased slightly. 
“From my perspective, I think there [are] just so many variables that have figured into therapy utilization during the pandemic,” Mission Healthcare CEO Paul VerHoeve told Home Health Care News last week during HHCN’s PDGM Summit. 

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2% Cut to Home Health Agencies, Other Medicare Providers Nearing Unwanted Return
Home Health Care News
By Robert Holly | March 3, 2021

Among its many provisions, last year’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act pressed pause on the government’s 2% payment cut to all Medicare-reimbursed health care providers.

The “sequestration holiday” was immediately seen as a common-sense lifeline for cash-strapped home health providers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of whom had to figure out how to pay for expensive personal protective equipment (PPE) for the very first time.

Originally, the pause on Medicare sequestration was supposed to conclude at the end of 2020. A subsequent coronavirus relief package, however, extended the holiday through March of this year — which is coming up fast...

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National Home Health and Hospice Industry Research Study: Agencies Encouraged to Complete Input Study 

The home care and hospice industry is changing at an unprecedented rate. Last year we faced two of our biggest challenges—COVID-19 and PDGM. These challenges combined with staffing shortages are forcing us to redefine ourselves. To do this, we need national industry research that will guide our efforts and help us define what it means to provide healthcare in the home.

For this reason, the Home Care and Hospice Association of Colorado is excited to be partnering on national study designed to help the home care and hospice industry both manage and provide quality outcome-driven care in the new reform environment. Known as the 2021 National Healthcare at Home Best Practices and Future Insights Study, the research project will help identify best practices that agencies can implement to position themselves for future success. The results promise to be the largest and most comprehensive ever released on the delivery of home health and hospice in the United States.

Methodology for the study will include three phases. Phase I, which is now open, includes a web-based input survey allowing anyone in the field to suggest issues and questions they would like to see addressed in the study. HHAC encourages all agencies to complete the input survey at Deadline to complete the input survey is Friday, March 12th.

Phase II will involve an in-depth online survey with input from nearly 1,000 agency leaders. The final phase will include distribution of free national data and reports as well as presentations at national and state conferences.

Agencies interested in participating in the national survey can provide their contact details as part of the input survey or contact the research team at BerryDunn who are designing and facilitating the study at [email protected]. More information about the survey can also be found on the BerryDunn Study Website.All results of the study will be released for free to the industry. States that get a good representative sample will also have state specific benchmarks available.

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